Thursday, September 20, 2012

Serving in Disguise

Yesterday, I had the privilege to go to our friends the, "Davidson's" house, and help them out
with the kids, laundry, dinner, and packing for their trip to Russia. 
     While I was helping the kids clean out the closet, Mrs. Davidson asked me to feed baby "Owen", so that she could get some stuff done. With joy, I took him out of the swing, and fed him his bottle. After feeding him, I went into the girls room to help them clean out the closet, and I lay Owen down on my lap facing sideways...he was so content! As usual, I stared at Owen thinking, "Wow! How can people not like children?" They are so precious...aren't they?!
     As I was sitting there with Owen on my lap, I helped the girls fold their tights, and other miscellaneous things. After that, I rocked Owen to sleep, and vacuumed around the house. When I got home, I was greeted by my little brother, Elijah, who comes out ever time one of us comes home. There's always a welcoming smile on his face, and a big, warm bear hug awaiting us from our little Elijah. Isn't it nice to come to a place that you can call home?

After a long, hard day from working at the Davidson's, (which I appreciated) I kept thinking, "all that I'm doing at home, at the Davidson's, and any where else, is teaching me...teaching me to be patient, teaching me to be slow in anger, and slow to speak, teaching me to 'serve', and teaching me
 to love God even more."

Last week, I was having a hard time doing some stuff around the house, and I've been asking God to help me serve without thinking about it. Whether it's doing my siblings dishes on their dish day, doing  their chore for that week, or merely putting their shoes away that are in the middle of the floor. They might not notice me doing anything...but God does! He sees everything that we do...whether it's with a servants heart or not. So let's serve, knowing that our reward is in heaven! 

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