Monday, August 20, 2012

God, give me the Strength to Stand!

Recently, a friend of mine told me some things that she needed prayer for. I felt so special, to know that she trusted me by telling me her hurts and pains.
Sometimes in life, all we need is a shoulder to cry on, or someone to tell us that it's going to be okay. We need the strength to stand, and sometimes, God gives us friends to show us just that. God is our ultimate Strength!

So, when we need strength...where do we go to? Whom do we turn to?
My siblings this past week, have had this dry cough. For my 14 year old brother, Austin, it's not as big of a deal, but for my 4 year old brother, Elijah, he coughs so much at night that he can't breath, which scares him, so he cries...keeping specifically my parents up all night! So in the morning, my parents need Gods strength to get through the day. They can't make it without Him.

When we are most desperate, we cry out to God, and God strengthens us to get back up again and stand. So, maybe you have a friend whose struggling. Maybe their struggling to put food on the table, maybe their struggling financially, or maybe their struggling in some other way. Whatever they are struggling in, offer to pray for them, and see if there's anything else you can help with; whether it's cooking for them, offering to watch their kids for the day, (whether you feel like it or not) or something else. Show a little encouragement to them, and let God use you to give them the Strength to stand! And the next time you feel weak, pray to God,
"God, give me the Strength to Stand!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. As I read I started to pray for a friend who is in a really hard situation, and I prayed: God, give him strength to stand. God bless you.


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