Saturday, January 25, 2014

God's Faithfulness

This is from a blog I follow:
It fit me so perfect, that I thought I'd re-post it.This is just a raw journal entry from today. Because not everyday is perfect.
Jan 14th, 2014

How can I be so foolish as to not fill my life with the Words of God? How can I afford not to be memorizing and meditating on God's Word daily?
There is no victory to the unfed, malnourished warrior.
These past few days as I have been struggling, I have asked God why it is so hard to follow Him. Why when He proclaimed "my yoke is easy and my burden is light?"
God as a loving Father sets a late of rich food before us-- His Word, His very presence.But instead of being still, of feeding on the food He has provided, I foolishly hop up and run out into the battle very near starvation. And I wonder why I fail.
It's be strong in the Lord and int the power of His might.
Not mine.
And yet I push and push in my own strength until I collapse, too weak to move on.
I begin to wonder where He's been. I am frustrated with myself for failing again. And in one black moment I believe that victory in the Christian life doesn't exists.
He approaches me so tenderly. Tears fill His eyes as He sees His beloved weak and beaten in a state of delirium.
And He draws me back to His side.
He forgives me.
He loves me.
He feeds me.

And today I choose to thank God for what I most detest in life--failure. Because failing always ends up bringing me back to Jesus' side.
Oh Abba, how prone to wander, prone to fail I am. Teach me to feed on Your Word and dwell in Your presence! I praise You for being so faithful to me and always--ALWAYS drawing me back to Yourself. Your mercies are renewed EVERY morning. Great is Your faithfulness. Selah.
        Come, thou Fount of every blessing, 
 tune my heart to sing thy grace; 
 streams of mercy, never ceasing, 
 call for songs of loudest praise. 
 Teach me some melodious sonnet, 
 sung by flaming tongues above. 
 Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, 
 mount of thy redeeming love. 

2. Here I raise mine Ebenezer; 
 hither by thy help I'm come; 
 and I hope, by thy good pleasure, 
 safely to arrive at home. 
 Jesus sought me when a stranger, 
 wandering from the fold of God; 
 he, to rescue me from danger, 
 interposed his precious blood. 

3. O to grace how great a debtor 
 daily I'm constrained to be! 
 Let thy goodness, like a fetter, 
 bind my wandering heart to thee. 
 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, 
 prone to leave the God I love; 
 here's my heart, O take and seal it, 
 seal it for thy courts above. 

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