Monday, February 16, 2015

Moments Like These

     With my wedding being 11 days away, my time with my family is coming to an end. Sure, I'll still see them, and talk to them, but I'll be married, and living in a different state. My life will be completely different than what I'm used to. I'll take on a new last name, be in a new, loving church community whom have taken me in as one of their own, have more friends, cook smaller meals, have a husband to love, a house to clean and make my own, and possibly, more time on my hands. 
     It got me to thinking about the little things in life. As I write, my little 6 year old brother, is sitting on my lap, blowing bubbles. Enjoying this moment that I have with him. To Elijah, he doesn't understand what the meaning of getting married means... aside from his sister leaving. To him, he doesn't understand that I'll still see him, and be able to talk to him through Skype/FaceTime and such. 
     So often, I took the moments that I had with my family for granted. I didn't take each day as a gift from God. I'd go through life daily, as just that... a life. A life, that I felt like was my own at times. A life that didn't take those moments, and realize that they're really "moments". They don't last forever. Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary term defines a moment, as, "an instant, the twinkling of an eye". It's only there for a moment, and than, it's gone. While I think of every opportunity that I missed out on, I realize that I can't go through life looking back on all my regrets. I need to move forward. I need to enjoy my moments in life. Sure, some moments I want to forget about, but things like, when Josh proposed to me, when I first found out he loved me, when my little brother hugged me, when my sister asked me to pray for her to get a restful night sleep, when I got my license, those special days when our family was out and about, and decided to eat out to make it all the more special.
     Moments. All my life I wanted to get married. God has answered that prayer, and in just short of 2 weeks time, I'll be a wife to the man I love. I'm on a new journey. The book hasn't ended... there's more to it... I'm on part 2. ;) So, take in the moments you have on a daily basis... even the little ones... a child's laughter, eating chocolate with a friend, the smell of coffee brewing, cold water on a hot summer day at the park with some friends, the love a child/parent/sibling/friend shows you on a daily basis. God is continuing to bless me with sweet moments with my fiancé, the love of my family, and so much more every day! 
     In what ways do you take in those moments? May you all be blessed! :)
"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." ~ Psalms 118:24~
"Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." ~ James 4:14~


  1. I love this -- such a refreshing reminder. :)

  2. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Caitlin! I pray that the Lord will bless you and your fiancé in your marriage. :-)

    Thanks for posting y'all's story, I really enjoyed reading it. :-)

    May God bless you!


  3. I too have been thinking a lot about how fast time flies... Thank you for this beautiful post!


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