Thursday, December 20, 2018

The mom life and the Christmas season

     I know I don't post on here often. Truth is, raising two kids has been taking up a lot of my time. Trying to figure out how to nurture and train them up in the ways of the Lord, while trying to keep up with a house that's warm and inviting. My husband is on a specific diet, so trying to find recipes and things he might like has been on my priority list.
     As Christmas quickly approaches, I'm reminded in this season of life to slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy the little things. During Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, I feel like so many people are in a rush (myself included) that we don't often stop and smell the roses.
     We're always going from one party to the next. Wrapping gifts, caroling, having cookie exchanges. How do we interact with people during this season? Sometimes I feel like scrooge, and say, "bah, humbug" to myself. It's a stressful time of the year, isn't it? I also think we tend to forget what this season is about. It's not about the Christmas gift exchanges, or the gift giving, or the parties. It's not even about setting up the Christmas tree and lights. It's about Christ... the time of the year when we take time to remember about Christ's birth. The time of the year when we read the story of baby Jesus from Luke; when we ride around in the car looking at Christmas lights that say, "It's all about Jesus." and when we have our nativity set set-up with baby Jesus in the manger... reminding us of the real reason for this season.
     So, take a deep breath this season. Slow down. Say no to party's because you just need to breath and spend time with your family . Remind yourselves of the real reason for this season. 

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